
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Our Wedding of the Month

Today we hosted a lovely daytime wedding in the Grand Ballroom of the Hawthorne Hotel. While the ceremony photo is not the best, we really had to post it, because it is just another example of how special this wedding was. Why, you ask? This was the groom's father, Ed Costa, who obtained a one-day license so he could perform the ceremony himself. He did such a beautiful job, maybe he has a future as a Justice of the Peace?


I hope we can help you make your wedding at the Hawthorne Hotel as special as this one, where Lauren Donnell became Mrs. Adam Costa.

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  1. This is spectacular - it was truly a blessing to be present at such a wonderful event. Thank you for all of your excellent hospitality and for making Adam and Lauren's day so memorable, not just for them, but for everyone who attended

    Just a quick note - the ceremony was performed by the Groom's father, Ed Costa, not the bride's father :)

    - Mary Costa

  2. Thanks for fact update. I have made the change. Juli
