
Friday, June 19, 2009

Gift Cards and a Gift from Dad

When Howie Clickstein, the father of the bride, learned that his daughter was looking on the Internet for a gift card basket or box, and when he saw what was available, he decided to offer his services. He said "I can build one" and he did, and here are some photos of his handiwork.

Howie put about 40 hours of time into this labor of love for his daughter. The card that was placed on top explains his sentiment.

Howie is a builder who got involved making some custom furniture pieces for some of his clients several years ago, so he was well-equipped to make something like this. It is certainly a special piece, one that can hold mementos of this special day for years to come.

Not only is this a practical and beautiful item, but it is also a very personal gift that will always be a touchstone between father and daughter. Those are the kinds of stories that really make me smile.

The special box, with Howie Clickstein, builder and father of the bride.
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I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more of the 'rest of the story' of a wedding at the Hawthorne Hotel.


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